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Common Teeth Problems Invisalign Can Fix

If you type Invisalign vs braces into a search box or ask Alexa or Siri to come up with a comparison of Invisalign vs metal braces, you might be surprised by the results you get. While few people are shocked to learn that Invisalign is often the superior choice for teeth straightening among teens and adults, a lot of individuals are stunned by the number of problems Invisalign can be used to treat.

Available since the late 1990s, Invisalign has emerged as the world’s most sophisticated clear aligner system for teeth straightening. Since its inception, Invisalign has improved millions of smiles throughout the world.


For Invisalign to have improved so many smiles all over the globe, the treatment clearly has to fix an array of orthodontic issues, such as overbites. An overbite occurs when a person’s upper front teeth overlap with the individual’s lower front teeth.

An Invisalign dentist or orthodontist may refer to an overbite as an overjet or deep bite if it’s too large. Medical professionals describe an overbite using a percentage, with the ideal range being between five and 25 percent. Left untreated, an overbite can cause gum problems, wear on the lower teeth, and jaw or joint pain.


Put simply, an underbite is the opposite of an overbite. An underbite occurs when your lower teeth rest in front of your upper teeth when you close your mouth. If you have an underbite, it can interfere with your ability to chew or speak properly. The condition can also result in tooth wear and cause uncomfortable jaw and joint issues.


A crossbite is when some of your upper teeth rest inside your lower teeth instead of on the outside. Crossbites often result in tooth wear or chipping. The condition can also lead to gum problems and cause bone loss.

Gap Teeth

Commonly known as gap teeth, spacing happens when a person has extra space between at least two of their teeth. Spacing causes pockets to be present between teeth, which can allow food to get trapped. The condition can also cause soreness in a person’s gums or result in gum disease.

Open Bite

Do your upper and lower teeth fail to make contact when you close your mouth? If so, you have what’s called an open bite. An open bite can make chewing harder than it should be and it can also make biting into things like apples a challenge.

Crowded Teeth

When a person’s jaw doesn’t have enough space for their teeth, it can cause the individual’s teeth to overlap, twist or get pushed to the back or front. Crowded teeth can make brushing and flossing a chore and allow plaque and bacteria to build up, which can cause gum disease and tooth degeneration.

Treat Your Orthodontic Issues with Invisalign

Invisalign is obviously a viable treatment for a variety of orthodontic issues. Whether you have a specific problem you want to address or you simply want to improve your smile, we encourage you to consider undergoing Invisalign treatment.

Contact Clearsmile Orthodontics or visit our Charlotte, NC office to see if Invisalign treatment is right for you now.